The University of Wyoming’s WyACT (Wyoming Anticipating Climate Transitions), an EPSCoR-funded (Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) National Science Foundation project is searching for a postdoctoral scholar with an interest in water availability, integrated regional models, and co-producing actionable science with community partners. This postdoc will help lead an interdisciplinary effort to use integrated systems models that couple hydrology, fish populations, and economic impacts through recreation. The postdoc will also have an opportunity to collaborate on an effort to conceptualize the interactions of ecological health and climate change in the Snake River system, including developing metrics useful in tracking system change. Their work will support a pilot project assessing the health of the Snake River in NW Wyoming, developing long-term monitoring, and conducting scenario planning workshops. The postdoc will also participate in knowledge exchange with K-12 educators. Community partners include Grand Teton National Park, US Forest Service, Teton County, tribal heritage preservation offices, and local non-governmental organizations.