Wyoming EPSCoR's Alex Buerkle to Head $6 Million Project

Wyoming EPSCoR's, Alex Buerkle, has been awarded a 4-year, $6 million NSF EPSCoR RII Track-2 grant.  The award comes in support of a proposal entitled Creating Explanatory, Process-Based Models to Harness the Data Revolution in the Life Sciences.  

A photograph of Alex Buerkle

The volume and availability of data have increased enormously over the last decade in life sciences.  Such expansion is occurring rapidly, changing the standard scale of analyses and is leveling and extending access to a broader population of both scientists and general audiences via open-access data.

With such rapid expansion in mind, this project aims to "establish a consortium that will fundamentally advance our capacity to analyze challenging, highly dimensional data in the life sciences".  Their plan to reach this goal falls within 3 primary objectives.  Each objective has been reviewed to ensure they are complementary to each other while remaining integrated into the specificity of the project.  Those objectives include:


1. Assessing, developing, and disseminating innovative and computational methods for predictive and explanatory models of high dimensional data.

2. Formalizing life science knowledge in models for three cross-scale domains.

3. Training and fostering the development of scientists for the workforce, through education and inclusion in data science.

An image of Scientists working in the fieldTo aid in completing these carefully established goals, the interdisciplinary data science team is looking to hire 12 postdoctoral researchers.  Incoming researchers will, ideally, span multiple research areas in ecology and evolutionary biology.  They will also span three universities, uniting the University of Wyoming, University of Nevada-Reno, and the University of Montana, Flathead Lake Bio Station.  

In the words of the interdisciplinary data science team,

"We initiated this consortium to address cross-cutting challenges in the analysis and representation of knowledge in the life sciences."

We look forward to providing updates on the project as research begins to unfold.  But, for now, we would like to congratulate Alex Buerkle, once again, on his 4-year, $6 million NSF EPSCoR RII Track-2 grant!

WyACT workshop with stakeholder groups at the UW-NPS Research Station, AMK Ranch.
  • Nov 3, 2022, 6:45 PM
  • admin

The purpose of this workshop was to understand the Teton context and stakeholder concerns in order to design a integrated pilot project that is relevant, legitimate, and salient while bounded enough to accomplish during the next 1-2 years.

As the West Dries, a New Climate Change Research Grant Seeks to ‘Co-Produce’ Local Knowledge
  • Jun 10, 2022, 7:09 PM
  • admin

In late 2020, the Mullen Fire torched 176,000 acres in the Medicine Bow Forest of southern Wyoming. For days, smoke polluted the air in nearby Laramie and colored the sky above the University of Wyoming with a hazy red glow.

How a Small Wyoming Town’s Water Shortages Could Set an Example for Other Western Towns in the Future
  • Jun 10, 2022, 7:22 PM
  • admin

Rawlins and Sinclair have recently been facing water shortages as the result of aging and neglected infrastructure, but also drought. Experts suggest that many towns across the West could face similar problems in the future.

WyACT workshop with stakeholder groups at the UW-NPS Research Station, AMK Ranch.
  • Nov 3, 2022, 6:45 PM
  • admin

The purpose of this workshop was to understand the Teton context and stakeholder concerns in order to design a integrated pilot project that is relevant, legitimate, and salient while bounded enough to accomplish during the next 1-2 years.

As the West Dries, a New Climate Change Research Grant Seeks to ‘Co-Produce’ Local Knowledge
  • Jun 10, 2022, 7:09 PM
  • admin

In late 2020, the Mullen Fire torched 176,000 acres in the Medicine Bow Forest of southern Wyoming. For days, smoke polluted the air in nearby Laramie and colored the sky above the University of Wyoming with a hazy red glow.

How a Small Wyoming Town’s Water Shortages Could Set an Example for Other Western Towns in the Future
  • Jun 10, 2022, 7:22 PM
  • admin

Rawlins and Sinclair have recently been facing water shortages as the result of aging and neglected infrastructure, but also drought. Experts suggest that many towns across the West could face similar problems in the future.